Tuesday, September 13, 2011

EBEW Colored Pants

For most of my life, I’ve been afraid of wearing bright colors. This fear didn’t stem from any anxiety about standing out in a crowd (I was performing on stages by age 4) but it was simply rather from an opinion that bright colors didn’t look good on me. This was an opinion founded on good reason too, as a reddish-haired, fair-skinned person, there are an abundance of colors that my people should stay away from. Hot pink definitely being one of them.

So instead of spending the rest of my days in somber blacks and dreary grays, I came up with a solution. As long as I wear bright colors on my bottom half, the result is actually something I’m satisfied with. This might seem silly to you but it makes sense to me. The culprit behind my fear of bright colors (my hair and skin) is taken out of the equation if I wear the color away from my face. Now, bright shorts are still off limit because there is way too much skin nearby (a.k.a. your entire leg), but pair them with some leggings for fall and I’m back on board. Also, knee-length skirts seem to do fine because my calves aren’t nearly as white as my upper thighs.

So without further ado, I bring you a confident Kristin in hot pink pants!

Pants - ASOS; Shirt - H&M (recent); Scarf - Target (recent); Earrings - Target (recent); Shoes - Steve Madden (old)

Colored Pants | Everybody, Everywear

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